Have Fun, Anna Hibiscus

This book is the fourth book in the Anna Hibiscus series written by Nigerian author, Atinuke.

Anna Hibiscus is a young helpful, caring, brave, adventurous girl who lives in Africa. She has never been away from Africa, where she is surrounded by her parents, siblings, aunts, uncles, cousins, and grandparents. Anna Hibiscus is going to go to Canada to visit her grandmother. There are a number of first experiences in this book for Anna Hibiscus: traveling on a plane, seeing snow, having a dog in your home, meeting Granny Canada, playing with kids from a different background. Anna Hibiscus beautifully handles the ups and downs, that come with experiencing a new culture and place. When it is time to return home to Africa she is sad to leave, but is anxious to tell her family about all the wonderful things she did like sledding, her best friend Qimmiq, and of course chocolate cereal!

This book has a great balance telling a story that any child could relate to and introducing aspects of multiculturalism.
Anna Hibiscus may be from Africa, but some of the experiences she has such as seeing snow, trying to make new friends, being around a dog for the first time. She could have easily been a girl from Florida visiting a cold, snowy, Canada for the first time.

The author does a great job at capturing the excitement and the not so great things that come along with being in a cold environment. For instance being in a cold place means getting used to wearing lots of layers of clothing and being cold when you first get out of bed in the morning. But being able to see snow falling or go sledding makes it all worthwhile.

Aspects of multiculturalism can be observed, when you see Anna Hibiscus adapt to Western food which comes in packages and isn’t quite as spicy as her native food. But, she does love her new discovery chocolate cereal. She is afraid of dogs since in her hometown dogs are strays, running around carrying diseases. Neither she nor her family can fathom having a dog in your home. Anna Hibiscus learns a dog can be your best friend.

This book as so much heart, which is why I love it. One of my favorite scenes in the book is when Anna Hibiscus responds back to a statement made about her inability to ice skate since she is African. Anna Hibiscus replies “My name is Anna Hibiscus … I could not skate because it was my first time. Not because I am African.” I love this line and only wish I had this book, when I was growing up in rural Pennsylvania as one of a handful of immigrant Indians. I love Anna Hibiscus’s courage to stand proud. One of the funniest scenes for me was early in the book when Anna and Auntie Jumoke are on the plane and Anna gets hungry. Auntie Jumoke comments on the food cart “That is not food … It is plastic, pretending to be food.” Auntie then pulls out of her bag boxes filled with their native food. This totally reminded me of my grandmother and Aunty who take food with them whenever they travel.

I think this book is applicable to all young girls no matter whether they be Caucasian, African, Asian, Latino, or any other place in the world. It has something for everyone.

Recommendation: Add to Home Library
Author: Atinuke
Illustrator: Lauren Tobia
Have Fun, Anna Hibiscus

This book is not readily available in many public libraries. If your local library does not have it I recommend using your library’s interlibrary system if possible. It is well worth the wait.

NOTE: This book was nominated by Madigan McGillicuddy for the 2011 Cybils Awards in the Easy Reader/Early Chapter Book category. I am a first-round panelist in this category, but this review reflects my opinions only, not those of any other panelist, or the panel as a whole. Thanks!

No Responses to “Have Fun, Anna Hibiscus”

  1. elizabethannewrites

    This book looks excellent! Thank you for reviewing it. I’ve checked our province-wide library system, and one library has received it, and it’s in processing, and one small town library has it on order. I have requested it, and when it comes in, I will suggest to our city library that it would be a good one to add to the collection. As we are in Canada, and have a growing multicultural population, I think this would be an excellent book to have more widely available.
    Thanks again!

    • Darshana

      Thanks Elizabeth. I am hoping that by writing this review I can in a small way increase exposure of this wonderful series. I am also planning to work hard to get this book onto the Cybil’s shortlist shortlist.

    • Darshana

      The only library I know of that has it on order is Berkeley. I had to get mine through the ILLIAD system and it came from Idaho, I think.

  2. Joanna

    I too love the line that she can’t skate because its her first time, not because she is African… beautifully expressed. I think I shall suggest the whole Anna Hibiscus series to our (international) school library. Thanks for the introduction.

  3. Zoe

    Great to read that you enjoyed this book as much as I did! I’ve an two-part interview with Atinuke on my blog tomorrow (tuesday) and Wednesday – having read her books I was very keen to find out more about her so approached her publisher and they said yes! Do hope you can pop over to read what Atinuke had to say.

  4. Valarie Budayr

    I look forward to reading this book. It sounds wonderful. Thank you for a very lovely post and for celebrating Multicultural Children’s Book day with us.


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