Title: I’m My Own Dog
Author & Illustrator: David Ezra Stein
Publisher: Candlewick Press, 2014
Book Type: Fiction
Ages: 4-8
Themes: Friendship, Humor
Opening Lines:
“I’m my own dog.
Nobody owns me.
I own myself.
I work like a dog all day.
When I get home, I fetch my own slippers.”
Many dogs have human owners. Not this dog. He fetches his own slippers, curls up at his own feet, and gives himself a good scratch. But there is one spot, in the middle of his back, that he just can’t reach. So one day, he lets a human scratch it. And the poor little fella follows him home. What can the dog do but get a leash to lead the guy around with? Dog lovers of all ages will revel in the humorous role-reversal as this dog teaches his human all the skills he needs to be a faithful companion.
- Check-out the Story-Hour Kit from Candlewick. Contains discussion questions, drawing exercise, and a connect the dots page. Pages 4,9, and 10.
- Dog related crafts.
- Checkout this list of great kids books about dogs from Pragmatic Mom.
Why I Like This Book:
This is one HILARIOUS book about an overly independent dog getting a human for a pet. The two things that stole my heart about this book were the great hook and the amazing voice of the dog. This is a wonderful book to study how the text and art work for irony and humorous effect. One of my favorite spreads reads “And you always have to clean up after them”, while the art shows the dog licking up the spilled ice-cream on the ground. Priceless. In the scenes below, we see how the dog is training the human.
The dog’s attitude of “I can do it myself” will appeal to young kids, who long to control the happenings of their day and make their own decisions.
The artwork was created using a mix of watercolor, pen, and a hint of crayon. The looseness of watercolor is perfect for mimicking how kids paint – neither filling the space completely of running over the lines. I like how the shirt sleeve isn’t colored in all the way or the colors bleed over the outline.
Good book for preschoolers, story-time, and dog lovers.
Checkout my interview with the author, David Ezra Stein.
For a chance to win this book, leave a comment stating what name you would give the dog. Deadline to enter is Thursday, November 13th at 9pm PST.
This review is part of Susanna Leonard Hill’s Perfect Picture Book series. Visit her site to see the other books recommended.
I’M MY OWN DOG. Copyright © 2014 by David Ezra Stein. Reproduced by permission of the publisher, Candlewick Press, Somerville, MA.
Disclosure: I received my copy of this book from the publisher Candlewick Press. This review nevertheless reflects my own and honest opinion about the book.
I love Stein’s work as it stands out. Love the independent dog who succumbs to a human due to an itch! Hilarious! I would name the dog Riley.
Cute idea and wonderful illustrations. How about Bart? That name seems to fit the pic on the cover.
Kids will LOVE this. Thanks. “I fetch my own slippers”? Brilliant!!!
Oh, and I’m looking forward to the Q & A. How about Bruce? And the human’s name should be Rex!
I want to read this RIGHT NOW!!! This looks sooo funny!
Hope you get a chance. Remember to leave a name for the dog to enter for a chance to win the book. 🙂
This sounds fabulous! So original and funny.
He’s done a really incredible job with the book. Remember to enter the giveaway by naming the dog
What a darling book! I’m in love with it and I haven’t read it other than your review, Darshana. I just rescued my dog a year ago so this story pulls my heart string. I would name the book’s dog Rocco. His strong, independent, and fun personality suits the name.
Gosh that’s a tough one! My son says Ruff Ruff. That’s his favorite stuffed dog’s name! 🙂
What a great premise! Sounds very funny.
I’ve read this Darshana. You’re right…it’s hilarious. I just loved it. Of course, I love David Ezra Stein. Interrupting Chicken is one of my all time favorite books and was the inspiration for my latest submission. I loved the way he brought several fairy tales into one story. I’m looking forward to Tuesday!!! I get your post notifications by email, so I’ll be sure to come over and read.
I would name the dog Jasper (after my own dog)
Congratulations!! You are the winner of the book giveaway. Please email me your mailing address at daisygardener12 (at) gmail (dot) com.
I love how he turns things around – telling it from a dog’s point of view. What fun.
This looks like a fantastic book. I love engaging students with humor in literature. I think I would name the dog Rufus.
Glad I saw your tweet that led me here! I would name the dog Gus.
I would name him Milton :0)
I love David Ezra’s work. I’ve always wanted a dog named Bosco, so that’s what I suggest.